What is the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act?
Obtaining discovery from witnesses located outside of the “100-mile limit” in a federal action or beyond state borders...
When are you entitled to a jury trial?
The Founders of our nation placed great importance on the community being a check on the abuse of...
The Art of the Remote Deposition: Preliminary Instructions
The pandemic caused the practice of law to quickly evolve in a number of ways. Firms quickly ramped...
What is usury?
Usury is traditionally defined as the charging of interest exceeding the permissible legal limit in connection with the...
Understanding the Hall v. Oates Lawsuit
What is the lawsuit about? Daryl Hall sued John Oates and other parties in early November to prevent...
Trump Civil Trial: What is the case or controversy?
In most civil litigation, the party commencing the litigation (plaintiff) must suffer some injury and seeks to hold...
Hall v. Oates: I can’t go for that.
In early November, Daryl Hall commenced a lawsuit under seal before a Nashville Chancery Court to prevent John...
Trump Civil Trial: What is a gag order?
Judge Engoron, the New York State Supreme Court judge presiding over the New York State Attorney General’s (AG)...
Trump Civil Trial: What is the disclaimer defense?
In the ongoing $250 million civil lawsuit filed against Donald Trump, his sons and certain Trump organizations in...
FTX Trial: What is the “buried facts doctrine”?
By now, it is common knowledge Samuel Bankman-Fried was convicted on November 2, 2023 following trial in his...
Litigation Basics: What is discovery?
Discovery is the process by which participants in a legal proceed obtain information from one another and parties...
Trump Civil Trial: What is an adverse or negative inference?
Last week, Judge Arthur Engoron, the judge presiding over the $250 million lawsuit filed against Trump and his...