Florida Attorneys Can Earn CLE Credit for Pro Bono Work
Effective December 30, 2024, Florida attorneys can earn up to five (5) hours of CLE credit for pro...
Lessons from the Trenches: “Sometimes, You Can’t Shine Sh*t.”
A newbie criminal prosecutor typically starts his or her career trying petty offenses, including infractions, violations and misdemeanors....
Are Electronic Signatures Valid and Binding?
Since the 2000s, the use of electronic signatures has become widespread globally and has become commonplace through secure...
NY Lawyer Faces Disciple for ChatGPT Failure
In an order entered on January 30, 2023 by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Court referred...
Stupid News: Michael Cohen Submitted AI Generated Cases
Disgraced former Trump fixer Michael Cohen and his counsel, David Schwartz, find themselves in a precarious position after...
Best Practices for Pleading Complaints
State and federal rules of civil procedure typically provided limited guidance in drafting complaints and other pleadings. More...
Do’s and Don’ts for Attorney Retainer Agreements
As with any relationship, it is important that clients and their attorneys communicate clearly about the nature of...